we can help


Join a Growth Team

Growth may be personal but it advances more rapidly when we treat it like a team sport. Join one of our upcoming Growth Teams, led by an Undefeated Growth coach, where like-minded individuals will partner to take new ground in core areas like relationships, calling, and leadership. Growth Teams meet weekly for a three-month season. We have Growth Teams launching regionally and on-line throughout the year.


advance through Personal Coaching

Are you stuck in your job or a struggling relational dynamic? Are you sitting on a dream but don’t know how to make it come to life? Do you sense that there is a greater purpose out there for you than what you are experiencing right now? If you said yes to any of these, you are a great candidate for personal coaching by one of our Undefeated Growth coaches. Let’s connect and start making progress.

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experience Undefeated Life Worldview training

Living rightly starts with thinking correctly. We believe that only our Creator can help us truly see the world as it is and ought to be. This includes how we see ourselves. The Undefeated Life Worldview Seminar explores how Jesus offers help in every domain of our lives personally and publicly. Jump in with Coach Brandon as he explores how God, through the Bible, helps us to see the world and respond to it with grace and truth.

I’ve been a Christ-follower for 30 years. Man, I sure wish I had Undefeated Growth earlier in my walk. The solid fundamentals on Christian worldview learned in the class have proven impactful in multiple areas of my life, including my role as a dad and as a business leader. Undefeated Growth has my strong endorsement.
— Jeff S

Ready for undefeated growth?