Let’s Grow your leaders


“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” - John C. Maxwell

Forward thinking organizations trust Undefeated Growth to provide leadership training and coaching to develop valued team members. Our participants see greater employee job satisfaction, team unity, and performance as a result of working with our Undefeated Growth Coaches. We believe great leaders are built, not born, and coaching can remove barriers to a person’s career and performance. We are experts in building the leaders on the team for longterm growth and mission advancement.

Undefeated Leaders™ creates a growth-oriented employee experience that increases a company's ability to retain great employees. We assist senior management, HR, and operations by providing your leaders with a relational, sustainable, and proven development journey. We want leaders to reach their potential within your organization.

“The Undefeated Leaders process has completely changed the way I live. I figured I’d be able to get some helpful tips on how to better lead my team but I didn’t realize it would change the way I live the rest of my life as well! Not only does Undefeated Leaders show you how to teach others to grow, it helps you make them a priority by emphasizing sacred meeting times. I’ve used this in other areas of my life now and has changed my perspective on how I can make other people feel like a priority.”
— Hayden, General Manager

THE Undefeated Leaders™ PROCESS

Consisting of four training certifications, participants can complete the first three phases in as little as eighteen months or as long as three years. Each training phase builds progressively toward being fully certified to facilitate Undefeated Leaders™ within your organization. We want to train, empower, and release leaders to guide a growth movement within their organization.

Next Level Leadership (101) - Foundational skills training for organizational leaders cultivating their ability to influence others, intentionally grow through self-leadership, and proactively innovate within the mission (aka “The Three I’s” of Undefeated Leaders™)

Leader Stride (201) - Building on the skills developed in 101, leaders map and live out a healthy stride of work execution over an extended period that is in harmony with one’s integrity and core personal values (aka “An Undefeated Leaders™ foundational ‘I’”)

The Multiplying Leader (301) - Apprenticeship with an Undefeated Growth coach for the development of a cohort team within their organization to lead through 101

The Lasting Win (401 and Beyond) - An Undefeated Growth coach partners with certified Undefeated Leaders™ as they multiply their leadership pathway within the organization. We provide behind-the-scenes coaching through training resources and trainer support coaching

“Before Undefeated Growth, I had a lot of ideas but very little execution. After completing this, I am more effective in my delegation, communication, and mentorship. I have grown in confidence as a manager and I plan ahead. It has made me a more effective husband and friend. I cannot stress enough how impactful this is to every aspect of your life.”
— Caleb, Store Manager, Food & Beverage

Senior management team completes the Undefeated Leaders Next Level Leadership (101) program

I’ve been a part of many leadership groups, classes, seminars, etc. The thing that has set Undefeated Growth apart for me has been the simplicity of the application process and how effective it has been for not only me, but my team as well. It just shows that anyone who wants to be a great leader, can be with the right tools.
— Ally, General Manager, Multi-site company

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